However, teachers at HEIs are still primarily hired and rewarded for their research. Therefore, the development of digital teaching skills is often a slow process that relies on individual initiatives. DigCompEdu shows a way forward to create change on an institutional level.
The project "Competencies for Universities - using Technology in Education" (CUTE) aims to develop
- a strategy at an institutional level to improve digital competencies for university teaching, and
- a methodology for other institutions to do the same based on the European Framework for Digital Competence for Educators (DigCompEdu).
- A mapping of the current institutional approaches to digital competence development with the DigCompEdu Framework. (IO1)
- An alignment of the DigCompEdu Framework with the Comet-tool creating pedagogical and organizational competence grids as the basis for Road maps for local development (IO2)
- Development of short-term actions piloted at each partner university or associated partner (IO3)
- A toolkit for using DigCompEdu to develop teachers' digital competencies in other institutions (IO4)
- Policy recommendations for future development of the DigCompEdu Framework with a focus on Higher Education (IO5)
Hear the partners explain more in this video:
University of Copenhagen, Teach, Teaching Centre South Campus (Denmark)

University of Akureyri (Iceland)
Contact: Helena Sigurðardóttir

University of Murcia (Spain)

AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland)
Contact: Paula Hmiedat at Centrum e-Learningu AGH

University of Galway (Ireland)
Contact: Dr Fiona Concannon CELT

GTN Solutions GmbH (Austria)
Contact: Andreas Riepl (at GTN Solutions)

Associated partners
The Federal Center eEducation Austria
Contact: Andreas Riepl (at The Federal Center of eEducation Austria)

Pedagogical University College Upper Austria
Contact: Barbara Simetzberger (at the University College of Education Upper Austria)

National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education in Ireland
Contact: Catherine Cronin, PhD

Irish Universities Association
Contact: Dr Sharon Flynn

Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del Profesorado (INTEF)
Contact through Dr Linda Castañeda from Murcia University.

National University of Cuyo
Contact: Dolores Lettelier (Academic Secretary of UNCUYO)